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GCSE Geography [UKOL] £292.00

GCSE Geography

AQA GCSE Geography (4032)

Course Overview
Geography is the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena. This course is split into different units, each with a number of topics.

Course Content
Full Course Units
Unit 1: Physical Geography

 The Restless Earth: the earths crust, plate margins, volcanoes, super volcanoes, earthquakes and their effects, tsunamis.
Rocks, Resources and Scenery: geological time scales, types of rocks and the rock cycle, weathering, landscapes formed by different rock types, limestone, quarrying and its impacts.
 Challenge of Weather and Climate: the UK climate, UK weather, climate change evidence and debate, consequences of global climate change, responses to climate change, tropical revolving storms.
The Living World: ecosystems, world ecosystems, temperate deciduous woodlands and its uses, tropical rainforests and its removal, sustainable management of tropical rainforests, hot deserts.
Water on the Land: shape of river valleys, land forms created by river processes, amount of water in a river, flooding, flooding due to human influences, differing effects and responses to floods in areas of varying wealth, flood management debates, rivers as a water supply and the associated issues.
Ice on the Land: changing world ice levels, the glacial budget, how ice shapes the land, the landforms ice creates, tourism in areas affected by snow and ice and the associated issues, glacial retreat and its issues.
The Coastal Zone: how the coast is shaped and the landforms created, rising sea level, coastal erosion and cliff collapse, coastal management and the debates, coastal conservation.

Unit 2: Human Geography
 Population Change: population increase, population structures, strategies used by countries with rapid population increase, aging populations, and population movements.
Changing Urban Environments: urbanisation, functions and uses of an urban area, urban planning, squatter settlements, environmental problems caused by rapid urbanisation in poorer areas, sustainable urban living.
Changing Rural Environments: the rural-urban fringe, changes in remote areas, sustainable rural living, commercial farming, sub-tropical and tropical rural areas and the pressures and changes faced by them.
The Development Gap: contrasts in development, global inequalities and international effort to reduce these, the EU initiatives to reducing inequalities in Europe.
Globalisation: globalisation in the 21st Century, the development of manufacturing and services, importance of manufacturing to different countries, increasing global demand of energy, sustainable development, how to satisfy increased demand for food.
Tourism: global growth of tourism and the exploitation of environments, effective management strategies in the UK, mass tourism, extreme environments, and ecotourism.

Unit 3: Local Fieldwork Investigation
One question will be investigated at a local scale, where primary data collection will take place. Secondary data collection will also be used. An extended piece of work based on the question will be submitted.

Short Course Units
Unit SC1: Physical and Human Geography
 The restless earth: the earths crust, plate margins, volcanoes, super volcanoes, earthquakes and their effects, tsunamis.
Water on the Land: shape of river valleys, land forms created by river processes, amount of water in a river, flooding, flooding due to human influences, differing effects and responses to floods in areas of varying wealth, flood management debates, rivers as a water supply and the associated issues.
The Coastal Zone: how the coast is shaped and the landforms created, rising sea level, coastal erosion and cliff collapse, coastal management and the debates, coastal conservation.
Changing Urban Environments: urbanisation, functions and uses of an urban area, urban planning, squatter settlements, environmental problems caused by rapid urbanisation in poorer areas, sustainable urban living.
Changing Rural Environments: the rural-urban fringe, changes in remote areas, sustainable rural living, commercial farming, sub-tropical and tropical rural areas and the pressures and changes faced by them.
Tourism: global growth of tourism and the exploitation of environments, effective management strategies in the UK, mass tourism, extreme environments, and ecotourism.
Unit 3: Local Fieldwork Investigation
One question will be investigated at a local scale, where primary data collection will take place. Secondary data collection will also be used. An extended piece of work based on the question will be submitted.

Methods of Assessment and Examinations
Full Course
Units 1 and 2: A 1 hour 30 minute written examination. Three questions must be answered: one question from section A, one from section B and a free choice from either section for each unit.
Unit 3: A maximum of 2000 word write up of an investigation.

Short Course
Unit SC1: A 1 hour examination. 2 questions must be answered: one from section A and one from section B.
Unit 3: A maximum of 2000 word write up of an investigation.

Learning Outcomes
Successful completion of this course will lead to a GCSE in Geography or a GCSE in short course Geography.

Through this course students will have developed skills in many different areas. They will be able to use maps at a variety of scales, using them in association with photographs and be able to sketch maps, draw and interpret graphs, sketch in the field and from photographs, extract information from a range of sources, analyse and interpret evidence and make decisions based on this.

Study Time
To complete this course it will take in the region of 100 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period to suit the student.

No previous study is required to access any of our GCSE courses, but they do require basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Support and Benefits
Full tutor support is available via email by fully qualified professionals.

Exam Dates and Information
Exams are in June of each year and the latest dates for enrolment is December.

If you start your course after December then it is unlikely you can take your exam in June unless your tutor agrees and you can find a centre, they will require late registration fees.

Further Reading and Book List
Understanding GCSE Geography for AQA A: Student Book 
by Ann Bowen, John Pallister.
Publisher: Heinemann; New edition edition (20 April 2009)
ISBN-10: 0435353306
ISBN-13: 978-0435353308

UK Open Learning offers a range of GCSEs and all the course materials map to the very latest criteria laid down by the awarding bodies.

When you have taken your exams you will be awarded a grade which ranges from A – G with G being the lowest.

You will need to take GCSEs to progress onto A Levels and employers look for Maths and English as a minimum requirement for most jobs.

Taking Exams
Learning at Home in conjunction with the awarding body will give whatever help we can with examination information and finding an exam centre, but entering examinations is entirely the responsibility of the student, and the contract for sitting examinations is between the student and the exam centre. We are not an exam centre so you must read all the information in your course pack carefully and be prepared to travel to a centre which is willing to accept external candidates.

Learning at Home does not have access to any funding so if you require a subsidised course please contact your Learn Direct Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do your courses meet the latest syllabus changes?
A. yes, all our course materials meet any changes and will be updated free of charge if further changes are made.

Q. Why do I have to find a centre myself?
A. We have students all over the UK and Europe and it is impossible for us to arrange dates and times for individual students.

Q. What if I cannot find an examination centre?
A. If you wish to gain the qualification then be prepared to travel it is worth it!

Q. How much are exam fees?
A. These vary from centre to centre so you should check with them directly as we do not have access to the information.

Q. Are the courses paper based or on-line?
A. All our courses are paper based and come in attractive sturdy folders.

Q. How do I contact my tutor?
A. Tutors are all working Teachers or Lecturers so contact is by email only.

Q. Why can I not take my exams at when I have completed the course and have to wait?
A. Exams are taken at the same times as schools and colleges and are not flexible.

Q. I want to take my exams but there are only a few months to study, is this possible?
A. Depending on the time of year, it is sometimes impossible to complete your studies in a short space of time as your work has to be marked and checked. More importantly the examination boards have cut off times which are not flexible.

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