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Health Coaching Diploma Level 3 [ODL] £365.00

Level 3 Diploma in Health Coaching

Course Synopsis
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is designed for those who wish to embark upon a career in health coaching, either within the private or public sectors. Individuals who wish to enhance skills or job roles that they already have will find this course appealing. In addition it is for those with a keen interest in health promotion through seminar or conference routes.

The course is broken down into ten modules which integrate to give a holistic approach to health coaching. The course materials will cover core skills, techniques, methods and delivery, together with client assessment and programme design. Each module will be contextualized with health care concepts, relevant legislation and scope of allied health care professional roles.

Module content
Module 1: What is health?
The first module takes a look at the definitions of health from variety of different perspectives. Personal and societal expectations of health and what this means in the context of wellbeing and health coaching will be examined. Growth, development and the psychological issues of health relevant to the coaching situation will be touched upon by the student.

Module 2: Health promotion in context with health coaching
In this module students examine the concepts of health promotion in the UK. This will include the legislation, strategies and frameworks that exist providing the parameters of care and service delivery. The role, scope and client base of the health coach will be considered.

Module 3: Health and disease in context with health coaching
In order to successfully coach health, students need to have a basic understanding of the concepts of health and disease, cause and effect and prevention strategies. This module examines will give students an insight of these in relation to health coaching.

Module 4: The nature and scope of health coaching
This module examines the scope of health coaching and outlines the core skills, approaches, models and techniques within this remit.

Module 5: Communication and health coaching
Just like many coaching related courses, communication is a key element of the process. In this module students look at communication skills in detail, how to communicate, and contextualize these within the coaching environment.

Module 6: Social issues and health coaching
Health is a social issue as much as a personal one. In this module we look at social issues such as lifestyle, relationships, gender, cultural issues and demographics relevant to the coaching situation.

Module 7: Coaching in professional healthcare situations
This module looks at the health coach within a healthcare setting; this maybe within a hospital, care home, or within a management or human resource team concerned with professional development.

Module 8: Health coaching in public sector and private practice
Health coaching in the public sector will require knowledge of public health issues, legislation and service provisions that are currently in place; health coaching in the private sector has different knowledge requirements. These will be discussed within this module.

Module 9: Ethical considerations, legislation and responsibilities
This module deals with issues such as confidentiality, data protection, professional codes of conduct; legislation relevant to health coaching and the legal and professional responsibilities of the health coach.

Module 10: Consolidation, programme design and strategies
The final module will present a brief overview of the course and give some examples of programme design. There will also be some templates included which can be adapted for the students personal use.

Entry Requirements
All students must per 16 years of age and above.

Study Hours
Approximately 40 hours per unit

Assessment Method
Final online multiple choice examination.

Please note that you can enrol on this course at anytime.

Level 3 Diploma in Health Coaching

This course is Quality Assured by Ascentis
Additional Information
This is a dual certification course. You will receive a certificate from both the College and also the National Awarding body Ascentis. Fees for both are included in the course fee.

The course can be enrolled upon by students Internationally. There are no deadlines for enrolments.

What's Included
All study materials to enable the student to successfully complete the Diploma. Support is provided by the tutor department. Examination board certification upon completion. All examination fees.

Further Information

The Quality Assured Diploma is a Level 3 equivalent on the National Qualifications Framework. The Diploma is a 2 year course which is self study and is examined by online examination. The Diploma is awarded by Oxford College and Quality Assured by Ascentis who are a highly recognised National awarding body. Upon completion of the course you will receive dual certification awarded by Oxford College and Ascentis.

Your course is delivered online via the Oxford Learning On Campus website.

Please note that included in your course fee is your registration to the On Campus student community, and a licence to print your study materials. Please note that the licence is for one print only, so please ensure that you have enough paper and ink to print the full course materials if required.

You will require having one of the following packages to access your On Campus area:

Windows: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista - Acrobat Reader 4.0 and above
Macintosh: Mac OS X, Mac OS 9.2 - Acrobat Reader 4.0 and above
In the student 'On Campus' you are also able to take part in the student chat room and forums as part of our online student community.

After enrolling online you will receive your username and password to access the On Campus area within 5 working days. You will also receive your personal Oxford Learning student number via email.

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