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01. Animal Care Diploma
02. Business and the Environment Diploma
03. Fitness Management Diploma
04. Environmental Waste Management Diploma
05. Exercise Physiology Diploma
06. Sports Physiology Diploma
07. Conservation Diploma
08. Carpentry and Joinery
09. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
10. Environmental Improvements Diploma

Stonebridge Associated Colleges are an established provider of Distance Education and Home Study Courses based in the United Kingdom but with students Worldwide. They have helped tens of thousands of students advance their learning and gain qualifications in their chosen field in ways that are both accessible and flexible.

Stonebridge Associated Colleges’ Nationally Accredited courses lead to Internationally recognised awards. Their courses are recognised by a wide variety of groups, including employers, professional associations, governing bodies, as well as National and International licensing authorities across the World.

On successful completion of your course, you will receive an attractively presented Diploma or Certificate issued by Stonebridge Associated Colleges, this will also allow you to use the letters SAC. Dip. or SAC. Cert. after your name. If you also complete a course accredited by one of the awarding bodies, you may receive another certificate from them, or be eligible for professional membership.

Through their accountability to their associated providers and relevant accreditation bodies, rigorous quality standards, systems of teaching, assessment methods, internal verification and student support functions are all monitored, reviewed and maintained.

Stonebridge guarantee that they meet:
Quality standards for the competence of staff
Standards for the quality of learning resources
Standards for assessment procedures
Their own robust quality assurance process

Stonebridge is a member of the British Association for Open Learning, qualified suppliers of existing materials to the University for Industry, and is an ASET approved centre.


Displaying 1 to 20 (of 23 courses) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next?>>] 
 Price   Product Name+    
 £346.63  Accountable Social Work
The units each describe an aspect of accountability in social work practice. At every stage in each unit examples are given of the application in practice of the theories, methods and issues under discussion and activities are provided to enable learners to explore in relation to their own experience what may be unfamiliar ideas and concepts.

 £346.63  Advertising
This course should be of interest to a wide range of business people, especially those for whom advertising is but a single facet of their responsibilities. It is meant to give a useful working background to help people to deal more effectively with advertising agencies, and also to 'do their own advertising.[more] 

 £94.00  Advertising and Promotion Skills
This short course deals with how to get your message across to your customers[more] 

 £317.25  Animal Care Diploma
The course is designed to assist the student in understanding the basic needs of animals, from the information provided obtain a better understanding of the animal profile and then be able to identify problems. Students will then be able to comfortably understand animal breeds and at an early stage pass on any problems or information to vets or owners.

 £317.25  Animal Health Diploma
It is important that today's farmer/owner of any animal is familiar with the normal vital signs of his animals so that they can recognise health and ill health. The earlier a farmer/owner can treat sick animals the better, as the damage done by illness can be considerable. This course will detail how to observe the vital signs, natural habits and behaviour of your animals.

 £287.88  Aquarium and Fishkeeping Certificate
This course introduces the freshwater and marine aquarium hobbyist to various aspects of successful aquaria management. Rather than being an entertainment guide, which extols the virtues of one or other approach to aquaria management, this course presents the basic principles, themes and steps needed to set-up and maintain a freshwater or marine aquarium.
The course provides you with the key skills needed to set up and operate your business.

 £229.13  Better Trading Award
The Better Trading Award is designed to help individuals and the smaller business to demonstrate that they follow good practice. This means you can assure your customers, suppliers and employees that your dealings with them will be based upon a sound knowledge of current legislation and professional standards.

 £252.63  Business and the Environment Diploma
This course focuses on what is involved in improving work procedures and processes in order to reduce the environmental impacts of your organisation.[more] 

 £317.25  Business Communications

Thses days managers and staff are having to spend an increasing proportion of their working time on communication, and skill in the exercise of this function is most necessary if they are to be effective.


 £346.63  Business Decision Analysis
For those involved in business, particularly for those in managerial positions, the ability to make effective decisions or to contribute to the decision-making process is of vital importance. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to work on problems relating to investment decisions, marketing and distribution, and product development.


 £287.88  Carpentry and Joinery
The very nature of creating a useful article from raw wood provides a feeling of useful activity. However, with the application of creative attention the raw material may evolve into an exclusive piece of furniture, a wooden toy, or many other objects.[more] 

 £346.63  Clothing Production
This course is concerned with the basic tools of production management, the tools of supervision. It is structured so that it can form the basis of a supervisors' or junior managers' course.[more] 

 £440.63  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
A professional training course in Cognitive Behavioural Training (Therapy). Suitable for new students and existing therapists or coaches who wish to add CBT methods to their professional toolbox.[more] 

 £346.63  Conservation Diploma
Man is creating an urban environment where so many goods are being concentrated that consumer desire, comparable to predatory instinct, is being over stimulated. Conservation is the wise use of the earth's resources, so that they can support, or sustain, the generations yet to come. This can be done in many ways and in different situations.

 £346.63  Ecology Diploma
This College course in Ecology will provide a detailed explanation on many aspects of the eco balance in an easy to understand format and help you to understand how all parts of the environment work together.

 £229.13  Environmental Aspects and Impacts Diploma
The Environmental Aspects and Impacts course is intended to help you guide your organisation towards a strategy that will improve its overall environmental performance and comply with recent environmental legislation. This course takes you through the first steps in introducing an environmental management system into your organisation.[more] 

 £229.13  Environmental Auditing and Reporting Diploma
This course covers the methodology and considerations of  environmental auditing and reporting from practical considerations to communicating to stakeholders. Environmental performance is becoming increasingly important as more people and organisations become interested in the environment.[more] 

 £229.13  Environmental Improvements Diploma
This course will guide you through the process of planning and monitoring activities to achieve the objectives and targets based on the aims of your policy. Among the many topics covered will be potential obstacles and methods of overcoming them, record keeping and documentation, communication and training, as well as methods of monitoring your programme[more] 

 £229.13  Environmental Legislation and Policy Certificate
This course on Environmental Legislation and Policy presents an overview of the most relevant environmental legislation that you need to be informed about before writing or evaluating your organisation's environmental policy.[more] 

 £287.88  Environmental Waste Management Diploma
How we manage our waste and control substances and items that we consider to just be "rubbish" is a critical factor in the way we need to protect our environment and ensure a quality of life for us and our family.
This course deals mainly with the management of waste.[more] 

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