Certificate in Sales Skills (ASET) - Sales Advisor
Objectives At the end of the course students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge required to build successful sales skills
Examine the nature of relationships which exist between sales advisor and customer
Demonstrate a step by step process to selling to customers
Display awareness of essential telephone or face to face contact skills
Practice work planning and time management techniques
Describe the benefits of self development and self motivation
Student Profile This programme is designed for people entering, or recently entered a direct selling environment either telephone or face to face.
Study Method
The course is designed for study by distance learning at work or at home. Students receive course manual, assignments and studyguide plus tutor support.
1. Building Competence Knowing the product[s]
Knowing the customers
Knowing the employer
Knowing the competition
2. Building Relationships Welcoming the customer
Showing interest in the customers needs
Following through commitments made to customers
Being realistic and consistent
Behaving flexibly
3. Selling to Customers Knowing your targets
Establishing and satisfying customer needs
Handling objections
Closing the sale
4A Telephone Skills
Conducting yourself effectively on the phone
4B Face to Face Contact Skills Presenting yourself effectively in face to face situations
5. Work organisation
Planning your work
Setting targets
Planning sales activity
Keeping people informed
Controlling your time
6. Self-development and self-motivation Developing yourself
Being positive
Making improvement suggestions
Working as part of a team
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