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A Level Philosophy [ODL] £295.00

A Level in Philosophy (AS/A2)

Course Synopsis:
Oxford College ODL offer this full A Level course in Philosophy. On completion of your two part course you will be able to:

Broaden and deepen your awareness of human knowledge, behaviour and understanding

Gain skills that will help you develop as an independent, confident and reflective reader

Gain the ability to clarify your ideas and expressions, and to communicate them effectively

Learn how to analyse reasoning of different kinds and to produce cohesive views of your own

Course Content:

Unit 1: Theory of knowledge
Defining knowledge
Criticisms of our definition of knowledge
Knowledge and the Sceptic
Truth and justification
Countering scepticism

Unit 2: Philosophy of religion
Talk of God
Arguments for the existence of God
Rationality and belief
Morality and God
The problem of evil

Unit 3: Descartes' Meditations I, II, III, V and VI
Descartes and rationalism
a priori and logical truth
The method of doubt
Certainty: the cognito and God
Knowledge of external world
Descartes' account of mind and body

Unit 4: The philosophy of mind
Theories of mind: dualism
Other minds
Materialist theories of mind

Unit 5:
Part 1 Hume's An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding
David Hume and the empiricist tradition
Hume's Theory of Mind
The analysis of cause
Some consequences of Hume's analysis of cause

Part 2 Russell's The Problems of Philosophy
Appearance and reality
The existence and nature of matter
Russell's account of knowledge: acquaintance and description
Induction, general principles and the a priori
The limits and value of philosophical knowledge

Unit 6: Synoptic Study
What you are required to do
Choosing and researching a study
Working through a study

Entry Requirements :
Basic English reading and writing skills, as full tutor support is given.

Study Hours :
Variable by student commitment

Qualification :
AS/A2 - A level in Philosophy (AQA). Both AS and A2 level courses and examinations must be successfully completed to gain a full A level.

What's Included :
Postage and packing, unlimited full tutor support. Students are required to arrange and pay for examinations. Details of examination dates and examination enrolment deadlines are included in the 'Student Welcome Pack' which also comes with course materials.

Additional Information

Course Fee :
£295.00 - Full A Level (AS and A2 courses)

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This product was added to our catalogue on Wednesday 01 June, 2005.
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