Examinations and Assessments
Most courses require a test of some sort in order to be able to present the successful student with an award or qualification. This is done by one or a combination of three methods; Graded Assessment, Online Examination and Examination at an Examination Centre.
Graded Assessment:
This method employs a series of tutor marked assignments and/or multiple choice test papers. No attendance at an exam centre is required.
Online Examination: This is usually a final online multiple choice examination taken on the student's computer.
Examination requires the student to sit an exam at a recognised test centre. Lists of these centers are available from the examining bodies and help is also available from the course providers.
A Level and IGCSE examinations are sat at a school or college as close to the students as possible. Full details of how to register for exams and arrange to sit them are provided with the course packs and also available from the examination boards.
IGCSE examinations are sat in June and A Level examinations are sat in January (AS) and June (AS & A2).
Examination fees are currently about £70 in total for A Level examinations and £25 for IGCSE. The examination venue will probably charge a fee. This is set at the discretion of the school or college where you take your exams
An A Level or IGCSE gained through distance learning is recognised in exactly the same way as one gained at a conventional school or college and attracts the same UCAS points.