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01. Animal Care Diploma
02. Canine Studies Diploma Level 3
03. Equine Science Diploma Level 3
04. Marine Biology Diploma Level 3
05. Aquarium and Fishkeeping Certificate
06. Smallholding Management Diploma Level 3
07. Animal Health Diploma
08. Zoology Diploma Level 3
09. Dog Grooming Level 3 Award
10. Energy Healing for Animals

Animal Care


Animal Care

Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 courses) Result Pages:  1 
 Price   Product Name   + 
 £345.00  Feline Studies Diploma Level 3

This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at improving the knowledge base of pet owners, breeders/exhibitors and those involved with cats professionally. It delivers a wide syllabus of topics to provide the student with an introduction to the width and breadth of the subject area.


 £395.00  Smallholding Management Diploma Level 3

This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at those with an interest in running a smallholding, either in an employment capacity, or simply for pleasure, or to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. The course will provide students with a sound understanding of all aspects involved with managing your own small hold, ranging from designing the build right through to marketing your service.


 £345.00  Equine Science Diploma Level 3

This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at those with an interest in the management of equines with an emphasis on the scientific aspects.  People with an interest in equine life will also find this course very appealing. This Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at improving the knowledge base of owners, breeders/exhibitors and those involved with horses professionally. The Diploma in Equine Science will be awarded by Oxford College to those students who satisfactorily complete all 10 Units of this course and a final online examination.


 £413.80  Dog Grooming Level 3 Award
A dog is a man’s best friend. Sure, it’s a cliché of course, but anyone who has owned a dog, or has looked after a dog knows that it’s absolutely true! Dogs are loyal, loving, affectionate and (sometimes!) obedient. This course gives you a chance to interact with dogs, and includes valuable advice on setting up your own business and make a living looking after our canine cousins.[more] 

 £291.20  Animal Communication
Animal communication is a natural ability that we all have. Through rediscovering ourselves and learning to understand animals we learn to connect and hear them in a totally new way. By communicating with animals in this way we can learn about their health, emotional and environmental problems. The way in which the a...[more] 

 £291.20  Equine Business Management
Even though the horse industry is fragmented, it is still a major employer of labour, though its identity and significance is often overlooked. This may be because of the small size and variety of the various individual units of which it is comprised. The main objective of this course is to provide you with the necess...[more] 

 £265.66  Animal Health Diploma
It is important that today's farmer/owner of any animal is familiar with the normal vital signs of his animals so that they can recognise health and ill health. The earlier a farmer/owner can treat sick animals the better, as the damage done by illness can be considerable. This course will detail how to observe the vital signs, natural habits and behaviour of your animals.

 £291.20  Equine Energy Therapy Diploma Level 3
The aim of this course is to give you a firm foundation in your understanding of not only how to give healing to horses and understanding their energy systems but also, for you to learn about other influences in the horse's life and living environment that can have an effect not only on the healing but also their personalities and physical body.[more] 

 £265.66  Animal Care Diploma
The course is designed to assist the student in understanding the basic needs of animals, from the information provided obtain a better understanding of the animal profile and then be able to identify problems. Students will then be able to comfortably understand animal breeds and at an early stage pass on any problems or information to vets or owners.

 £342.28  Stable Management
This course covers all aspects of stable management and will provide the student with a thorough preparation for working in the equine industry. The course has been specifically designed to provide the student with the vital information needed to operate a stable efficiently. The course covers many different aspects of...[more] 

 £345.00  Marine Biology Diploma Level 3
This course in marine biology aims to give a comprehensive grounding in the fascinating subject of life in the sea. Throughout the 10 fully illustrated modules, the student will learn about many aspects of oceanography and marine biology such as how oceans are born and die and how life began and evolved in the sea over the past 4 million years. We look at the ocean as an ecological habitat and the amazing evolutionary adaptations of aquatic animals to the harsh marine environment.[more] 

 £240.11  Aquarium and Fishkeeping Certificate
This course introduces the freshwater and marine aquarium hobbyist to various aspects of successful aquaria management. Rather than being an entertainment guide, which extols the virtues of one or other approach to aquaria management, this course presents the basic principles, themes and steps needed to set-up and maintain a freshwater or marine aquarium.
The course provides you with the key skills needed to set up and operate your business.

 £291.20  Energy Healing for Animals
This course is for those who would like to learn how to use modern Energy Therapy in the context of working with animals, including companion animals, wild animals and also covering a number of animal and pet related human problems such as bereavement. The course is prepared under advice from the International Guild ...[more] 

 £395.00  Zoology Diploma Level 3
This diploma course is aimed at providing a thorough introduction to the subject of Zoology. It will particularly appeal to those who are interested in the animal world but would like more scientific depth that that provided in popular media. It will particularly appeal to those wishing to study Zoology or other sciences at a higher level in the future.[more] 

 £345.00  Canine Studies Diploma Level 3
This Diploma course is aimed at those with an interest in dogs, either in an employment capacity, or simply for pleasure.[more] 

Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 courses) Result Pages:  1 
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