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£445.00 |
Health and Safety Law Diploma Level 3
Health and Safety in the workplace is becoming an ever growing concern for employees and employers. The course will appeal to a wide variety of people, those looking for a change of career or those looking to gain a greater knowledge in this particular segment of the Law.
£445.00 |
Law Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis fully accredited Level 3 Diploma course is designed to give a "taster" to the subject and is suitable for both the adult learner returning to studying, or to the younger learner preparing for further academic study. This course provides a complete foundation in the subject area for those wishing to pursue a career in Law or for those wishing to undertake graduate studies in the field of Law. It is hoped that the course might inspire learners to proceed further in their study of law and embark on a degree course or equivalent professional course. Some of the degree "core subjects" are included in this course.
£395.00 |
Botany Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course in Botany is aimed at providing a detailed introduction to the subject. Those who are interested in the world of plants but would like more scientific depth than that provided in popular media will find it particularly appealing and an exciting course to complete. It will be of much interest to those hoping to study Botany or other sciences at a higher level in the future by providing a solid basis of knowledge. Throughout the course reference is made to human-plant interactions so students are reminded of the relevance of botany in today's technical world.
£395.00 |
Postgraduate Research Techniques Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at providing the necessary instruction for those students who wish to obtain a postgraduate level of study in conducting research. This Diploma will be of much benefit to students looking to complete a PhD where collecting and analysing research plays a very important role. The course will be of particular benefit to graduates who are contemplating continuing their studies into postgraduate research and wish to obtain a solid foundation in the methods and techniques for conducting research. The course will also appeal to anyone who has an occupation where research is considered a vital part of that job function. [more]
£395.00 |
Smallholding Management Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at those with an interest in running a smallholding, either in an employment capacity, or simply for pleasure, or to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. The course will provide students with a sound understanding of all aspects involved with managing your own small hold, ranging from designing the build right through to marketing your service.
£395.00 |
Strategic Planning Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course looks at providing the theory and concepts towards the journey of Business Strategic Planning. Strategic planning is an organisation's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT and PEST analysis. [more]
£395.00 |
Portfolio Management Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course will appeal to those in Project Management who wish to advance their skills and obtain an understanding of Portfolio or Programme (Program) Management. This course looks at those methods and techniques used to control a number ( or portfolio) of projects. This pays particular attention to alignment between that of Project Management and IS Strategy delivery. The course will explore a number of different method based approaches and provide a foundation for greater exploration of this specialised subject area. [more]
£445.00 |
Media Studies Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course will facilitate those students who wish to obtain a foundation in media studies and in particular those with an interest in journalism, advertising and global media considerations. Media studies is an area of scholarly inquiry approached from both humanities and social science perspectives that considers the nature and effects of mass media upon individuals and society, as well as analysing actual media content and representations. A cross-disciplinary field, media studies uses techniques and theorists from sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, psychology, art theory, information theory, and economics.
£345.00 |
Egyptology Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma in Egyptology is designed for those wishing to develop their knowledge of ancient Egypt, whether out of personal interest or as the starting point for further academic study.
£395.00 |
Philosophy Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma in Philosophy introduces you to all of the central topics of Philosophy. It is designed for those seeking to explore Philosophy for personal development, for enjoyment, and for those seeking a solid preparation for degree level study in the subject. Throughout the course you will be encouraged to think critically about a wide range of philosophical issues. In doing so you will develop an understanding of the discipline and develop your ability to think clearly and to argue effectively. Philosophy is a hugely rewarding subject. It will help you to develop intellectual skills that will enhance your personal life and be valuable in your career. [more]
£345.00 |
Psychometrics Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma in Psychometrics is designed for managers with responsibility for staff selection and development, but not necessarily with a Human Resources background, who would like to increase their understanding of personality testing, including the underlying theory. This course will also provide an appreciation of the range and type of measures available, and of the importance of using them with an ethical approach. [more]
£445.00 |
Risk Management Diploma Level 3
This Ascentis Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma in Risk Management can prepare the student for taking up a new risk management role. It is also ideal for those who would like to develop and hone their skills within an existing risk management role. The course examines changes in risk management practice against the context of the changes in UK, EU, US and global economy, and will be of particular interest to those needing to practice risk management skills on a day-to-day basis. It provides detailed learning on a range of relevant risk management topics, combining theoretical background with the practical tools, risk management techniques and risk communication formats needed for everyday risk managers. [more]
£110.00 |
Understanding Body Language
Body language comprises almost 80% of human communication. It is of great importance in all business and social situations. When conflict is apparent between the spoken word and the messages the body sends out, the body language is the stronger and people tend to believe the message they see rather than the one they he...[more] |
£260.00 |
Lifestyle Consultant - Personal
Every human being has a limit beyond which they seemingly cannot cope. The traditional focus on coping skills has expanded to include the needs of the whole person necessary for meeting the constant challenges of changes in our day to day environment. This course goes some way in providing the student with a barefoot ...[more] |
£110.00 |
Positive Thinking
Everyone has a creative mind and it can either work for you or against you depending on what you programme into it. Thought has power - and what you think about expands because energy follows thought. In the superconsciousness there is a lavish supply for every demand and this course teaches the student how to depend ...[more] |
£285.00 |
Garden Design
Explore the art of garden design in this comprehensive course. You will learn the fundamental elements of style, basic techniques and professional tricks necessary to design the gardens of your dreams. Professional garden design is something that is inspirational and is essentially solving the various logistical probl...[more] |
£185.00 |
Public Relations Consultant
From politicians to playgroups, businesses to bands, PR is an essential tool in the lives of any organisation which wants to present its best side. Public Relations is a skill which can open doors, earn you a rewarding income, or position you as the industry expert. This course provides the necessary knowledge and inf...[more] |
£457.00 |
Private Investigator Diploma
Take this course and a year from now, you could be a private investigator. All around you the rest of the population goes about their business – unaware of the crime, the dramas and the threats surrounding them. But you’ll see things differently.
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£224.25 |
Valuing Diversity in the Workplace OCN Level 2
The aims of this course are to examine the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations brought about by the changing society within which we live and to promote best practice in adopting, encouraging and managing diversity.[more] |
£160.00 |
The ancients placed great importance in names and numerologists believe that names are not arrived at by chance. This magical science is based on the fact that the name of a person, place, or thing contains the very essence of its being. Numerology was devised by the Egyptians to prevent their enemies from being able ...[more] |