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Business Management Certificate OCN Level 2 [SH] £224.25

Certificate in Business Management OCN Level 2

At the end of the course you will be able to:

• Define the manager’s role
• Describe techniques for managing resources effectively
• List the legal requirements of recruiting staff
• Describe techniques for retaining and parting with staff
• Monitor and review staff performance
• Apply good practice in developing staff
• Define equal opportunities legislation requirements
• Apply good practice in disciplining staff
• Understand techniques for managing time effectively
• Use methods of dealing with stress and crises

Student Profile
This programme is designed for people seeking to understand and apply the principles of managing staff and resources in a variety of businesses.  The course is particularly suited to the general manager with responsibility for a small organisation or a department, needing a broad understanding of management techniques.

Study Method
The course is designed for study by distance learning at work or at home.  Students receive course manual, assignments and studyguide plus tutor support by telephone, mail and email.

This course is assessed through a series of tutor marked assignments, plus a multi-choice end-test. No attendance at an exams centre is required.

This course is validated by OCNNWR and provides 6 credits. These can be accumulated with other course or unit credits over a period of time which can lead to an accredited qualification.

The course is provided by Study House which is a recognised centre for courses validated by OCNNWR.

OCNNWR provides validated courses through its provider organisations which must meet robust quality assurance standards. It is a licenced member of NOCN which is an approved awarding body licenced by QCA to offer accredited qualifications

Course Outline

Module A: Effective Management
• The manager’s role
• Managing yourself
• Managing people
• Managing information
• Managing finance

Module B: Employing People
• Recruiting staff
• Legal aspects of employment
• Keeping staff
• Parting with staff

Module C: Performance Management
• Performance Management
• Contracts of Employment
• Equal Opportunities
• Disciplinary Management
• Categorising Conduct
• Managing Assertiveness

Module D: Time Stress & Crisis Management
• Evaluating your situation
• Time balance techniques
• Stress
• Relaxation
• Crises
• Time management techniques

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