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Introduction to Childminding OCN Level 3 [UKOL] £262.59

Introduction to Childminding OCN Level 3

A childminder’s role is many and varied and can be described in a number of ways.  Gone are the days when childminders were seen as uneducated, low paid babysitters who were paid to keep an eye on the children whilst their parents spent a few hours at work.  The world has changed and with it the need for good quality childcare.  Parents are no longer content to pay someone to look after their child simply because they appear motherly and seem to like playing with children.  Parents now, quite rightly, express a wish to find a highly qualified, organised person who has the right skills to not only nurture their child but to educate and discipline them.

Whilst working as a childminder your role will involve being a carer for children  (this is not the same as minding them!).  Parents will expect you to care for their children as you would your own (in some cases better!).  You will have the responsibility of making sure that the children are safe at all times when they are with you and you will be expected to be aware of and remove any potential hazards.
You will need to know how to comfort a child when they are upset, appease them when they are angry and entertain them when they are bored.
This course covers all the skills you need to become a good childminder and gain a recognised qualification.

UNIT ONE   Introduction to childminding
1.1  Describe the skills and qualities required to undertake employment as a childminder

1.2  Identify your own existing skills and qualities

1.3  Identify skills and abilities to be developed

UNIT TWO  Understand the legal responsibilities of the childminder
2.1  Define the legal responsibilities of the childminder

2.2  Outline relevant legislation with regard to childminding

UNIT THREE  Understand the relevant training available to childminders
3.1  Discuss the importance of first aid qualifications for childminders

3.2  Critically explore the available optional training available for childminders

UNIT FOUR   Getting your business up and running
4.1  Identify the service you wish to provide

4.2  Analyse the childminding market in your area

4.3  Critically examine the importance of portfolios and welcome packs

4.4  Summarise the procedures for interviewing potential customers

4.5  Identify procedures for settling children into the childminding setting

UNIT FIVE  Safety within the home
5.1  Identify the risks to children indoors

5.2  Identify the risks to children outdoors

5.3  Critically examine the importance of maintaining appropriate hygiene procedures for (a) personal
(b) toys and equipment 

UNIT SIX Negotiating a contract
6.1  Summarise the importance of using contracts

6.2  Describe retainers and deposits and explain when these should be charged

6.3  Critically examine the procedures which should be followed in the event of a complaint being made against the childminder

UNIT SEVEN Writing and implementing policies
7.1  Produce a policy to meet equal opportunities within the childminding setting

7.2  Critically examine the importance of having a behaviour policy within the childminding setting

7.3  Discuss the procedure for reporting a suspected case of child abuse

UNIT EIGHT Accounts and book keeping
8.1 Summarise the legal obligations of a self-employed person

8.2 Analyse the consequences of employing an assistant or working with another childminder

8.3 Identify the financial help available to childminders

8.4 Critically explore how to evaluate whether your business is making a profit or loss

OCN Level 3 with 9 Learning Credits

Qualification terms explained
Recent development in England have meant that the terms Diploma, Certificate and Award now have specific meanings and can only relate to qualifications approved by Ofqual, the government regulatory authority. Consequently, our Open College Network courses will henceforth have the description ‘…a course validated by the Open College Network’. This in no way diminishes the value or importance of the course but rather avoids the vagueness associated with the above terms. Should you need further information concerning this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Study Method:
The course is designed for study by distance learning at work or at home.  Students receive course manual, assignments and studyguide plus tutor support by post and email

Tutor Support:
You will receive full tutor support by e-mail and post for a full year from the day you receive the course. To complete this course it will take in the region of 90 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period to suit the student.

As you work through this course you are required to complete a series of tutor marked assignments, which you can then send to your tutor for marking. There is no word count for these assignments, however you do have to prove to your tutor that you have fully understood the question asked.

Is the course a recognised educational qualification?
On successful completion of the course you will be awarded a UK Open Learning Diploma in Child Minding and also a certificate from the Open College Network which will list your achievements and the level you gained. This course carries 9 learning credits which can be used towards further studies.

How long do I have to complete the course?
You can study at your own pace and in your own time and there are no deadlines that must be met. Full tutor support is available for 12 months. To complete this course it will take in the region of 100 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period to suit the student.

What happens if I’ve paid for the course but find it unsuitable?
Not a problem. If you return it within seven days, we’ll give you a complete refund, as long as the course is returned in re-saleable condition.

Is this an NVQ?
No. NVQs have to be taken in the workplace but this qualification is equivalent to an NVQ Level 3, GNVQ Advanced or a full A Level in terms of the level of knowledge required. The credit value indicates the amount of learning time that the course broadly requires, in this case 100 hours.

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