Keeping Children Safe Distance Learning Course
Keeping children safe and free from harm is crucial to their overall development and well being.
This course has been written to help parents and practitioners to understand the importance of protecting children from danger. It covers a wide range of topics including safety in the home and garden, abuse, bullying and internet chat rooms.
Before it is possible for parents and practitioners to protect children, they must first be able to understand why children are at risk and from what.
This course will help you to look at the dangers around you and to encourage you to eliminate as many of these potential dangers as possible.
At the end of this course you should be able to:- Recognise what constitutes danger.
Be aware of how to avoid danger within the home and garden.
Know how to spot the signs of abuse in children.
Be able to help and advise children with regard to internet safety.
Spot the signs of bullying and know how to deal with it.
Address basic first aid issues.
This course covers the following syllabus:-
Unit One: Abuse Physical Abuse
Protecting Children From Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Protecting Children From Emotional Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Protecting Children From Sexual Abuse
Protecting Children From Neglect
Unit Two: Keeping Children Safe in the Home
Dangers in the Home
Living Room or Play Room
Dining room
Bathroom and Toilet
Hall, Stairs and Landing
Food Safety
Hand Washing
Shopping for Food
Food Storage
Food Preparation
Animal Safety
Equipment Safety
Unit Three: Keeping Children Safe in the Garden Drowning
Play Areas
Sun Care
Unit Four: Keeping Children Safe when they are Away from Home
Stranger Danger
Protection for Teenage Children
Anti Social Behaviour
Depression and Mental Health
Eating Disorders
Leaving Home
Missing From Home
Dangers on the Road
Unit Five: Protecting Children with Disabilities
Signs of Abuse
How can you Help
Unit Six: Bullying What is Bullying
Affected People
How can you Help
Signs of Bullying
The Bully
How to Help Children who Resort to Bullying
How to Cope
Unit Seven: Danger on line Chat Rooms
Ground Rules for Internet Safety
Warning Signs
Unit Eight: Common Accidents and Basic First Aid Choking
Accidental Poisoning
Burns or Scalds
Assessing the Situation
Assessing the Casualty
Breathing for the Casualty
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
The Recovery Position
How do I study for the course?
Keeping Children Safe is a distance learning course that allows you to study in your own time and at your own pace. You will receive a course manual, assignments and study guide as well as full tutor support.
How is my work assessed? Assessment takes the form of a series of tutor marked assignments plus one extended essay.
What entry requirements do I need?
There are no entry requirements for this course just a willingness to follow the course guidline.
What about tutor support?
You will receive fully qualified tutor support for a full year from the day you receive the course, to complete this course it will take in the region of 100 study hours which can be spread over a 12 month period.
How do I send in my work? You can post or e-mail your assignments for marking. It is best to wait for the results of your assignments before you move onto the next section just to make sure you have passed that assignment.
Is there a complimentary course which may help? Yes, our Child Psychology course.
What qualification will I receive?
On successful completion of the course, you will receive a UK Open Learning Diploma.
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