BeginnersWebsite Designer Course (NCFE Level 3 accredited)
Bored with your job? Looking for your first job? Feel you’re creative but never really get the chance to show it? Whatever your current situation, here’s a superb opportunity to completely change the direction of your life and get involved in something sexy and cutting-edge.
The truth is, we are in the middle of a revolution. A technical revolution. The internet has completely changed the way we think, the way we communicate and the way we do business. Yet surf the web and you come across so many websites that are pretty useless. Either a design nightmare, difficult to navigate, or they hardly give any useful information at all. Here’s your chance to profit from these big mistakes!
A great new lucrative career could lie ahead
Nowadays, almost anyone can throw together some sort of website using available design tools. But to design a great website, a website that works, a website that can make money…well that’s where professional web designers come in. And this great course from UK Open Learning, is designed to set you along the road to become an in-demand professional web designer.
What will I learn on the course? By taking our Diploma course in Web Design, you will learn the basic skills of a web designer. The course is divided into two sections. In section one, you will learn all about Hyper Text Mark-up Language – HTML. Topics range from using the internet and e-mail, creating web pages, forms and feedback, tables, creating images, frames , multimedia and more besides.
Section two brings you up to date with the latest web technology and the use of cascading style sheets. Amongst the comprehensive range of topics covered, you’ll find: using HTML editors, preparing, publishing and promoting your website, web development software, successful search engine optimisation, as well as web accessibility and usability issues. And at the very end of the course, you’ll publish your very own professional standard website!
Who can take the Diploma in Web Design? The NCFE Level 3 award in Web Design is from UK Open Learning, one of the UK’s leading distance learning providers. The course is interesting and rewarding and could lead to a totally new career. It is open to anyone with a level of computer literacy. We will show you how to download free trial versions of the appropriate web design software.
How does the Web Designer Course work?
The great thing about distance learning is that you can study from home or work, at your own pace and in your own time. And that’s not all - you will have your very own personal tutor, a practising professional web designer, offering unlimited support via email, seven days a week for a whole 12 months. He or she will be happy to answer any questions you may have and give you advice as to how to complete the course successfully.
How is the course designed? Our new Diploma in Web Design is a paper-based course offering you over 280 pages of tutorials and helpful information. It also includes a CD-Rom. You will be asked to submit 10 assignments for marking. However, it is a ‘step by step’ course presented in a friendly, easy to understand way. There is no jargon whatsoever!
Will I be able to become a professional Web Designer after taking the course?
At the end of the course you should have the confidence to create a professional website. You can then decide whether to look for a job as a web designer, or run your own business as a freelance web designer. We can offer you advice on finding work within the industry or even in starting up your own business.
Qualification NCFE Level 3 in Web Design Plus a UK Open Learning Diploma.
Awarding Body Information NCFE is recognised as an awarding body by the qualification regulators ('regulators') for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The regulators are the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) in Wales and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland.
How long do I have to complete the course? 12 months. If we update the course, the information will either be posted on our supporting website or sent to you free of charge.
What happens if I’ve paid for the course but find it unsuitable?
Not a problem. If you return it within seven days, we’ll give you a complete refund. We do, however, charge a £15.00 fee for administration costs.
Course Contents
Section 1 – concentrating on HTML – giving the student a thorough grounding in HTML mark-up.
The internet
Organising files and folders
Email communications
Create your first web page
Hypertext links
The use of lists
Advanced HTML formatting
Forms and feedback
More about images
Image maps
More creative techniques
Section 2 – bringing the student up to date with the latest web standards and the use of cascading style sheets. Includes an introduction to the 2 main types of web development software; a clear explanation of search engine optimisation methods that work, and information on web accessibility and usability issues. Culminates in the final assignment which requires the student to build and publish a complete web site.
HTML 4.01 and cascading style sheets (CSS)
HTML editors – introduction to TSW WebCoder 2005
WYSIWYG web editors – introduction to Dreamweaver 8
Preparing your website for the internet
Publishing your website
Promoting your website – SEO/SEM
(search engine optimisation/marketing)
Web accessibility guidelines
Web usability basics
HTML directory
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