Human Resources Diploma Level 3
Course Synopsis
This OLQA Quality Assured Level 3 Diploma course is aimed at individuals with an interest in Human Resource issues. This could be either through a role as an individual working in HR, for those who wish to work in associated professions, or as a means to build on an existing knowledge base.
The aim of this course is to enable the students to acquire a thorough grounding in the principal subjects underlying the practice of Human Resources Management (HRM). The course consists of 10 modules, which progressively develop the students' knowledge of this complex, yet rewarding area.
Module Content
Module 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM) The first module seeks to identify exactly what we mean when we use the term HRM, making a clear distinction between the practices of HRM and Personnel Management.
•The concept is traced from its early development through to the present day.
•The two "schools" of HRM are then discussed and the differences between them identified.
•This module is concluded by a brief consideration of the European context.
Module 2: The modern HRM environment In this module students will analyse the factors surrounding the present HRM environment by considering a number of factors including:
•Recent public sector developments
•The Labour market
•Vocation training and education
At the conclusion of this module the student will have acquired a sound knowledge of the underlying background and will be able to place this subject within its true context.
Module 3: The contract of employment
The contract of employment is an all important topic, which is frequently given short thrift in HRM courses. Students will examine a number of important areas including:
•The nature of the contract of employment
•The importance of establishing the status of the worker
•The various criteria used in order to determine this question
•The influence of European law upon this area
The module contains a number of case based exercises to enable the student to test their understanding as they progress through the module.
Module 4: Contents of the contract of employment Having established the paramount nature of the status question, the student will now consider the contents of the contract and the relative importance of different terms. Areas covered include:
•Mutual duties of employer and employee
•Distinctions between different contractual terms
•The concept of vicarious liability
Module 5: Termination of the contract of employment This module examines the various routes through which the contract of employment can come to an end. In addition to unfair dismissal, the module explores:
•The basic considerations affecting redundancy
•The concept of frustration
•The common law view of dismissal
Module 6: Discrimination in Employment This module considers not only the traditional areas of discrimination such as race and sex, but also examines more recent developments such as:
•Disability Discrimination
•Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation
The entire area is placed within the context of European and domestic law.
Module 7: Trades Union and Industrial Conflict
In this module, we examine the following areas:
•What exactly do we mean by the term "trade union"
•How have these bodies developed throughout the course of history
•The legal status afforded to trades unions
•An outline of the area of industrial conflict
Module 8: Motivational techniques This is very much a behavioural science topic wherein we turn our attention to:
•What do we mean when we use the term "motivation"
•A consideration of some of the barriers to motivation
•An analysis of the different "schools" of motivation i.e. content and process
•A detailed look at the work of leading theorists in this area
Module 9: Key human resource processes In a more functional module, we turn our attention to a consideration of the main HRM processes which are the daily "bread and butter" of the HRM specialist including:
•Recruitment and selection
•Learning organisations
•Performance management
Module 10: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics In this final module, we consider two relatively new concepts in relation to this area. The student will consider the potential responses by the HRM specialist to concerns such as environmental awareness and the pressures of national and international governments. The module proposes a number of steps which a responsible HRM specialist may espouse in order to display both its "green" and ethical credentials in the 21st century.
Entry Requirements
All students must per 16 years of age and above.
Study Hours Approximately 40 hours per unit
Assessment Method
Final online multiple choice examination.
Please note that you can enrol on this course at anytime.
Level 3 Diploma in Human Resources
This course is Quality Assured by OLQA
Additional Information
This is a dual certification course. You will receive a certificate from both the College and also the National Awarding body OLQA. Fees for both are included in the course fee.
The course can be enrolled upon by students Internationally. There are no deadlines for enrolments.
What's Included
All study materials to enable the student to successfully complete the Diploma. Support is provided by the tutor department. Examination board certification upon completion. All examination fees.
Further Information
The Quality Assured Diploma is a Level 3 equivalent on the National Qualifications Framework. The Diploma is a 1 year course which is self study and is examined by online examination. The Diploma is awarded by Oxford College and Quality Assured by OLQA who are a highly recognised National awarding body. Upon completion of the course you will receive dual certification awarded by Oxford College and OLQA.
Your course is delivered online via the Oxford Learning On Campus website.
Please note that included in your course fee is your registration to the On Campus student community, and a licence to print your study materials. Please note that the licence is for one print only, so please ensure that you have enough paper and ink to print the full course materials if required.
You will require having one of the following packages to access your On Campus area:
Windows: Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista - Acrobat Reader 4.0 and above
Macintosh: Mac OS X, Mac OS 9.2 - Acrobat Reader 4.0 and above
In the student 'On Campus' you are also able to take part in the student chat room and forums as part of our online student community.
After enrolling online you will receive your username and password to access the On Campus area within 5 working days. You will also receive your personal Oxford Learning student number via email.
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